Introduction to Linear Algebra
Systems of Linear Equations
- Introduction
- Linear systems
- Vectors
- Linear combinations
- Matrices
- Planes in ℝ³
- Row operations
- Gaussian elimination
- Reduced Row-Echelon Form
- Equation A x = b
- Sensitivity of solutions
- Iterative methods
- Linear independence
- Plane transformations
- Space transformations
- Rotations
- Linear transformations
- Affine maps
- Exercises
- Answers
Matrix Algebra
- Introduction
- Manipulation of matrices
- Partitioned matrices
- Block matrices Matrix operators
- Determinants
- Cofactors
- Cramer's rule
- Elementary matrices
- Inverse matrices
- Equivalent matrices
- Rank
- Elimination: A = L U
- PLU factorization
- Reflection
- Givens rotation
- Special matrices
- Exercises
- Answers
Vector Spaces
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Vector spaces
- Bases
- Dimension
- Coordinate systems
- Change of basis
- Linear transformations
- Matrix transformations
- Compositions
- Isomorphisms
- Dual spaces
- Dual transformations
- Subspaces
- Direct sums
- Quotient spaces
- Vector products
- Matrix spaces
- Rank
- Solving A x = b
- Exercises
- Answers
Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
- Introduction
- Characteristic polynomials
- Companion matrix
- Algebraic and geometric multiplicities
- Minimal polynomials
- Eigenspaces
- Where are eigenvalues?
- Eigenvalues of A B and B A
- Generalized eigenvectors
- Similarity
- Diagonalizability
- Self-adjoint operators
Euclidean Spaces
- Introduction
- Dot product
- Bilinear transformations
- Inner product
- Norm and distance
- Matrix norms
- Dual norms
- Dual transformations
- Examples of transformations
- Orthogonality
- Gram--Schmidt Process
- Orthogonal sets
- Self-adjoint Matrices
- Unitary matrices
- Projection operators
- QR-decomposition
- Least Square Approximation
- Quadratic forms
- Exercises
- Answers
Matrix Decompositions
- Introduction
- Symmetric matrices
- LU-decomposition
- QR-decomposition
- Cholesky decomposition
- Schur decomposition
- Jordan decomposition
- Positive matrices
- Roots
- Polar factorization
- Spectral decomposition
- Singular values
- SVD <
- Pseudoinverse
- Exercises
- Answers
- GPS problem
- Poisson equation
- Graph theory
- Error correcting codes
- Electric circuits
- Markov chains
- Cryptography
- Wave-length transfer matrix
- Computer graphics
- Linear Programming
- Hill's determinant
- Fibonacci matrices
- Discrete dynamic systems
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Fast Fourier transform
- Curve fitting
Functions of Matrices
- Introduction
- Diagonalization
- Sylvester formula
- The Resolvent method
- Polynomial interpolation
- Positive matrices
- Roots <
- Pseudoinverse
- Exercises
- Answers
- Circles along curves
- TNB frames
- Tensors
- Tensors in ℝ³
- Tensors & Mechanics
- Differential forms
- Calculus
- Vector representations
- Matrix representations
- Change of basis
- Orthonormal Diagonalization
- Generalized inverse
- Differential forms
- Complex Number Operations
- Sets
- Polynomials
- Polynomials and Matrices
- Computer solves Systems of Linear Equations
- Location of Eigenvalues
- Power Method
- Iterative Method
- Similarity and Diagonalization
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- Anderson, R.U., Elementary geometric proof of Euler's rotation theorem, 2019.
- Watt, A., 3D Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley; 3rd edition, 1999.