Help Section

Common Error Messages

Error: Invalid Input. 'something' is expected. [line #, col #]
MuPAD was expecting something, such as a parenthesis, variable, expression, or identifier, and did not catch it. Fix by going to the spot and adding in what is needed.

Error: Division by Zero
MuPAD experienced a "blow up" where calculations became out of hand. Make sure you are not dividing by zero, and maybe change the range in which you are trying to solve in.

Error: The argument is invalid. [function call]
You tried to use "function call" but it was invalid for the type of arguments you inputted aka, you tried to apply something such as subs, solve, or a similar function where it couldn't be used. Rethink what you are tryin to do and change your function call.

Error: Unexpected 'something'. [line #, col#]
You typed something that MuPAD was not ready to read. Make sure your syntax is correct and that you are typing things in the correct order.

The answer is \( \displaystyle \varnothing \)
MuPAD couldn't find an answer. Try a numerical calculation, or changing your approach to solving.

Official Documentation

For any other reocurring issues throughout your programs, below is a link to the official MuPad documentation website.

MuPad documentation


MuPAD distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase. The command
will clear all global variables so that you can start with a fresh set of letters. Because MuPad reads code from top to bottom, the reset command can be used in-between problems as a good way to clear the variable cache.

Note that unlike the matlab command windows, MUPAD lets you go back and change any line, and will then let you execute the file again with changed code. The Notebook menu gives lots of options for re-doing calculations after a correction. Likewise, you can always open a new script for each individual problem on the homework sets.