R TUTORIAL for the First Course. Part 7: Boundary Value Problems

Prof. Vladimir A. Dobrushkin

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Solving ODEs
Consider an initial value problem for first order differential equation in normal form:
\[ \begin{cases} y' &= f(x,y) , \quad x\in (a , b) , \\ y(a ) &= y_0 , \end{cases} \]
where \( f(x,y) \) is a given slope function, \( (a,b) \) is an interval of interest, and \( y_0 \) is a prescribed value of unknown function \( y(x) \) at point \( x=a. \) When the slope (also called the rate function) function \( f(x,y) \) is smooth, the given initial value problem can be solved numerically by Matlab build-in functions \( \texttt{ode23} \) or \( \texttt{ode45} \) in some interval including the initial point. Generally speaking, the solution to the given initial value problem exists in some maximum interval, called the validity interval. This validity interval can be determined for some classes of differential equations, but is unknown in general.