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Introduction to vi

  1. What is vi?
  2. vi is the default editor on most if not all Unix systems. Its user interface is rather cryptic for most people to say the least, as it works in 2 major modes: command and insert. vi experts on the other hand find it extremely powerful. Even Emacs users find it useful when dealing with huge files Emacs can't handle, slow Internet connections that make Emacs impossible to use efficiently or when working on systems that don't have emacs.

  3. Quick reference:
            vi name         start vi editor with file   name   .
                            The file is created if it doesn't exist.
    LEAVING vi
            ZZ              exit from vi, saving changes.
            :q!             exit from vi, discarding changes.
            h               moves left one character position.
            j               moves down one line.
            k               moves up one line.
            l               moves right one character position.
            0       (zero)  moves to the beginning of a line.
            w               moves right one word.
            b               moves left one word.
            CTRL-u          moves up 1/2 screen full.
            CTRL-d          moves down 1/2 screen full.
            G               moves to the bottom of the file.
            nG              moves to line number   n   .
            CTRL-l          clear screen and re-draw.
            itextESC     inserts   text   to the left of the cursor.
                         Insert doesn't cause the cursor to move;
                         text appears as it is typed, terminate with
            atextESC     appends (inserts) text to the right of
                         the cursor, terminate with ESC.
            RtextESC     Replaces (overprints) characters at the 
                         cursor position, terminate with ESC.
            dd           deletes the line the cursor is on.
            ndd          deletes  n  lines from the cursor position.
            D            deletes characters from the cursor position
                         to the end of the line.
            x            deletes the character at the cursor.
            nx           deletes n characters to the right of the
            u            undo the last change.
            /pat/        positions the cursor at the next 
                         occurrence of the string pattern.
            ESC     represents the ESC key.  Press the ESC key when 
                    it is called for in the above commands.
            CTRL-   represents the CTRL key.  Hold the CTRL key and 
                    press the following key simultaneously.
            }       move down one paragraph.
            {       move up one paragraph.
            mx      save the current cursor position and label it
                    with the letter x. (x is any letter)
            'x      return to the cursor position labeled x.
            dw      delete the next word.
            .      (period) repeat last change.
            A       append at the end of the current line.
            P       put back deleted line(s).  Text deleted with D
                    and dd commands may be pasted back with the P
                    command.  Text is pasted in before the cursor
                    From line number 'a' to line number 'b', 
                    substitute the pattern 'old' with the pattern
                    'new'.  You may use any text string which 
                    doesn't contain a carriage return in place of 
                    the 'old' and 'new' strings.  Use CTRL-G to tell
                    what line the cursor is on.
            //      search for the next occurrence of a previously
                    specified search string.  
            :w      write out current changes.  The vi editor works
                    on a copy of your file.  The :w command causes
                    the editor to write its copy over the original
                    which is on the disk.
            :w name write out changes to the file  name  .  This is
                    like the :w command but the changes are written
                    into the file you specify.  (good for making
                    intermediate copies)
    Cut and Paste   Move to the begining of the text to cut.  Use
                    dd to delete (cut) several lines.  Use D to cut
                    only the end of one line.  Move to the place
                    where you wish to paste the text.  Use P to 
                    put back the text. You may need to clean up
                    the spacing after pasting.
    Additional help is available in man vi.

  5. Tutorials:
  6. If you're insterested in learning more about vi (including how to use it), you can try looking at these sites: