Basics of MuPAD

Brown University Applied Mathematics

Basic Commands

These are some basic commands that you can type into MuPAD and they will perform specific functions and calculations for you. It is necessary to know the difference between a command and a parameter. A command is a function that we will apply with parenthesis such as "solve(. . . )" and a parameter is a part of a command within the parenthesis that tells MuPAD to do a certain task or follow a certain rule when executing the command. A parameter can be the variable with which to integrate, or an exception to follow or ignore. Parameters will always be separated by commas. When it is necessary to have multiple elements in one parameter, brackets can be used to group these objects to the same parameter.

diff(function, x)
differentiates "function" with respect to the parameter - a variable input "x"
int(function, x) or int(function, x, (0,2*pi))
Integrates "function" with respect to a variable "x", or definite integral from 0 to 2*pi
solve(equation 1 = equation 2, [x,y,z])
solves a system of equations such that "equation1" = "equation2", for the variables x, y, and z
numeric::solve(equation 1 = equation 2, [x,y,z])
solves a system of equations such that "equation1" = "equation2", for the variables x, y, and z numerically
plot(equation, x = 0..10, GridVisible=TRUE)
plots "equation" for x between 0 and 10, parameter "GridVisible" turns on a plotting grid
recalls the previous result
subs(equation,[x=2,y(t) = t^2])
in "equation", substitutes the value 2 for "x" and "t2" for y(t)


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